50 million Americans go on Thanksgiving vacation amid Covid-19
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50 million Americans go on Thanksgiving vacation amid Covid-19

The American Automobile Association (AAA) estimates that 95% of people will travel by car during the 5-day holiday from November 25 to November 29, a decrease of 5 million compared to last year.

However, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a medical expert on the White House’s Covid-19 task force, warned that the above number of vacationers could still create a new wave of infections that could break out a few weeks later and pose a threat.

He said the US is in a `very, very difficult situation at every level` with a sharp increase in the number of infections and crowded queues of passengers at airports that worry him more than the risk of nCoV infection.

`You come to a crowded airport, line up, no one wears a mask. That puts you at risk, causing us many difficulties,` he said.

Fauci also warned of the risk of contracting the virus from `seemingly harmless encounters` indoors with family and friends during the holidays.

Passengers traveling at Newark International Airport, Newark City, New Jersey, last weekend.

The total number of nCoV infections across the United States has exceeded 12 million and increases by about 200,000 new cases every day.

Republican Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, expressed concern that Americans are still planning unsafe holidays and gatherings despite CDC recommendations.

`Family gatherings are the leading cause of infection,` he said, warning that people are often subjective at these events, do not wear masks properly and break physical distancing rules.

Dr. Fauci said he understands people are tired of restrictive measures, having to keep distance from each other and limit travel, but affirmed simple measures such as wearing masks, washing hands and

Limiting the number of customers at restaurants and avoiding or closing bars can also `flatten the curve`.

`If you are willing to comply, we can get out of this situation,` he said.

President Donald Trump seemed to admit that Covid-19 was `raging`, contrary to his previous statements during the campaign that the virus would simply `disappear`.

`Fake news media says nothing about the reality that Covid-19 is raging around the world, not just in the US,` he wrote on Twitter on November 21.

Moncef Slaoui, chief advisor to the White House’s Covid-19 vaccine development campaign `Operation Lightning`, said on November 22 that if the first vaccine is approved for use next month, Americans will begin to receive it.

Mr. Fauci also expressed optimism about the possibility of success of Covid-19 vaccines.

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