How Donald Trump was ‘selected by the Republican Party’
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How Donald Trump was ‘selected by the Republican Party’

Donald Trump was officially nominated by the Republican Party to run for president.

During the Republican National Convention (RNC) taking place on the evening of July 19, billionaire Donald Trump was officially selected by delegates to become the candidate to represent the Republican Party running for president of the United States according to a process.

The Republican Congress took place from July 18 to 21 at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio, with the presence of 2,472 delegates from all US states and territories.

When the afternoon session of the second day of the RNC took place at 5:30 p.m., one Trump supporter read a short speech nominating him, and at least one other person stood up to nominate one more person.

The roll call vote began about 30 minutes later.

The states whose names are called by the conference secretary to participate in the roll call have the right to skip their turn, and the secretary re-announces the names of these states after reading the entire list.

When the name is announced, the head of that state’s delegation steps up and reads out the name of his state, before announcing the preliminary voting results in each state.

Because of this regulation, everyone knows for sure that Mr. Trump will win and be nominated as the party’s official candidate for president, despite the opponents’ efforts to prevent it.

When the head of each state’s delegation announces the number of votes in favor of each candidate of his or her state, the secretariat reads the results again and records them in the minutes.

The number of delegates supporting Mr. Trump quickly approached 1,237 when the Pennsylvania delegation announced the results.

`It is my honor to bring Donald Trump to the top position tonight with 89 delegates supporting him, 6 delegates voting for John Kasich. Congratulations, dad. We love you,` AFP quoted

According to regulations, in case states object to Mr. Trump’s voting in the second round of roll call voting, they will have to announce the voting results in their state in the third round without being allowed to vote again.

After all states had participated in the roll call vote, the convention chairman announced the vote results of each candidate, and declared that Mr. Trump had gathered enough support from the majority of delegates to become the winner.

However, Mr. Trump will not immediately become a representative of the Republican Party running for president.

Attempts to prevent it failed

Immediately after the second day of the RNC session took place, opponents of Mr. Trump chanted `Roll call vote` for more than 10 minutes to disrupt the convention’s proceedings, but efforts to prevent the meeting took place.

When interim convention chairman Steve Womack from Arkansas announced that the convention regulations favorable to Mr. Trump had been approved by delegates by oral vote, those who opposed Mr. Trump simultaneously spoke up.

Delegates opposing Mr. Trump want to change the recently adopted convention rules, as the first step in an effort to free delegates from the constraints of preliminary voting results, so they can freely

The Utah state delegation officially requested to hold a roll call vote to approve convention regulations.

For a short time, these protest actions caused the congress to be suspended.

How Donald Trump was 'selected by the Republican Party'

Delegates opposing Trump proposed a roll call vote to approve convention regulations.

`The Presidium finds that there is no necessary support for a roll call vote,` Mr. Womack said, extinguishing any hope of turning the tide of those who oppose billionaire Trump.

`Becoming the US Republican presidential candidate is a great honor. I will work hard and never let you down! America first!`, Mr. Trump wrote on his personal Twitter, just a few

See more: Donald Trump is officially the Republican presidential candidate

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