The American – Canadian family is free after 5 years of being kidnapped by terrorists
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The American – Canadian family is free after 5 years of being kidnapped by terrorists

American-Canadian family rescued after 5 years of kidnapping and detention.

Five years after being kidnapped by terrorists in the mountains of Afghanistan, Caitlan Coleman, Joshua Boyle and their three children were freed after a rescue by the Pakistani army, based on US intelligence, according to the Guardian.

`Today they are free,` US President Donald Trump confirmed on October 12.

The couple was kidnapped by Haqqani, a terrorist organization linked to the Taliban, in October 2012, on their backpacking trip to Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and finally Afghanistan.

The rescue comes 10 months after the victim posted a video showing Boyle, 34, Coleman, 31, and their two children, begging the government to negotiate with their kidnappers.

Boyle’s family said they received his phone call on the morning of October 12.

`Josh said the whole family is in good shape, after 5 years of being imprisoned in an underground prison,` said Patrick Boyle, the Canadian citizen’s father.

Boyle said the rescue operation took place when the family was locked in the trunk of a car.

The United States arranged a transport plane to bring the Coleman family home immediately after being rescued, but Boyle refused.

However, this official confirmed that Boyle did not face anything when boarding the US plane.

The Coleman family said they were informed about the rescue by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

`The US government called to notify us on the afternoon of October 11,` said Jim Coleman, the American citizen’s father.

`I am extremely excited, stunned and happy. The nightmare for Caity and her family is finally over,` said Ms. Lyn Coleman, Caitlan’s mother.

The Pakistani military said US intelligence officials tracked the location of the Coleman family and informed Pakistan when the two were transferred to the Kurram Valley, an area close to the Afghan border.

`All hostages have been safely rescued and are being repatriated,` the Pakistani military announced.

Hong Hanh

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