The Hai Duong girl passed 9 universities in the UK and Australia
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The Hai Duong girl passed 9 universities in the UK and Australia

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, a former student of the National Economics University, is rushing to complete her master’s admission application at Bristol University (UK) in September. In addition to the 10th ranked university in the country,

When asked which milestone to choose to talk about the changes in her life, Lan immediately answered the second year of university.

As a former Chemistry class student at the High School for the Gifted in Natural Sciences (Hanoi National University), Lan once dreamed of becoming a doctor.

That year, the National Economics University recruited block B for the Institute of Accounting and Auditing for the first time.

The girl born in 1997 wanted to give herself more opportunities to become a student at Hanoi Medical University, so she registered to retake the university entrance exam.

Because she focused on studying for university entrance exams, Lan’s scores at the National Economics University were very low, always ranking at the bottom of the Accounting – Auditing class in the first two years of university.

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan, new student at Bristol University, UK.

Recalling the time she received a 2nd grade in the mid-term exam in Principles of Accounting, one of the most basic subjects in the accounting field, Lan burst into tears in class because she was so embarrassed.

Lan continuously asked herself: `Why do I have the conditions to study at a good school like this but don’t appreciate it?`, `Compared to orphans, I am already very lucky, why not?`

`The image of my parents working hard to save money for me to study appeared before my eyes. I felt extremely embarrassed because the past two years were completely unworthy of that sacrifice,` Lan choked up.

The school schedule is not fixed, Lan works as a Math and Chemistry tutor to be proactive and flexible in her time to increase her income.

Continuing to maintain this pace of life throughout her third year of university, Lan was hospitalized several times due to exhaustion.

At the end of her third year, Ngoc Lan achieved an average score of 4.0, becoming one of the 10 outstanding students of the National Economics University that school year.

She also actively participates in scientific research at the school, with six honored works, notably the topic `The impact of financial leverage on profitability in listed real estate enterprises in Vietnam.`

The Hai Duong girl passed 9 universities in the UK and Australia

The Hai Duong girl passed 9 universities in the UK and Australia

Ngoc Lan introduces herself.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Cong, lecturer at the Institute of Accounting and Auditing, National Economics University, said that the six scientific works were the decisive points that helped Lan become one of five students in the world to win a full scholarship.

As Lan’s teacher in scientific topics, Mr. Cong values his students to be hard-working and decisive.

At the time of receiving the Bristol University scholarship, Lan’s IELTS score was 6.5 while the minimum requirement is 7.0.

`That IELTS exam was decisive and a gamble because I refused admission to the remaining 8 schools in the UK and Austraila. I accepted the risk to achieve the highest possible things,` Lan shared.

The Hai Duong girl took the IELTS exam four times in three months, the last time in the last week of June and scored 7.0.

Sharing about her future plans, Lan hopes that if she has the opportunity, she will continue to study for a doctorate in the foggy country.

Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan has had 6 published research projects, of which one was published in a domestic magazine, three were published in three international scientific conferences ICAFB, ICFAA, CIEMB, two were published in international scientific conferences.

In addition, Lan surpassed more than 1,000 contestants to win the Asean Integration Scholarship competition organized by FTMS, KPMG and ACCA.

Also in 2019, Ngoc Lan passed admission to 8 universities in the UK and 1 school in Australia, the University of Melbourne (top 1 in Australia, top 32 in the world), received the Global Graduate Merit Scholarship, and the University of Bristol (top 10).

Seven universities in the UK accepted admission, but refused: Leeds,  Nottingham, Huddersfield, Stirling, Belfast, Liverpool and Birmingham.

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