25 leadership positions are about to be completed
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25 leadership positions are about to be completed

The final session of the 14th National Assembly opened this morning, March 24, and is expected to work for 12 days, of which 7 days will be spent reviewing and deciding on personnel work.

According to General Secretary of the National Assembly Nguyen Hanh Phuc, about 25 leadership positions will be elected or approved by the National Assembly at this session, the reason is that after the 13th Congress, some officials did not participate in the Central Executive Committee.

With the title of President, in October 2018, for the first time after many terms, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong – head of the Party, was elected by the National Assembly to hold the position of head of State.

Now, after more than 2 years, Mr. Nguyen Hanh Phuc confirmed `for the first time the current Prime Minister has been introduced to elect President`.

The delegates are structured according to any agency block, which means they are currently working or are expected to work in that agency block in the near future.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue (currently Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee) in the hallway of the National Assembly, on the afternoon of October 25, 2018.

Currently, the nominees for the positions of Prime Minister and Chairman of the National Assembly have not been announced by the competent authority.

Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh was not re-elected to the 13th Central Committee.

The Government bloc has 9 members who do not join the new Central Committee.

The list of candidates for the 15th National Assembly in the Government sector has many new faces representing ministries and branches.

Representative of the Education and Training industry is Mr. Nguyen Kim Son, Director of Hanoi National University.

The Ministry of Construction currently has Deputy Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi and the Government Office has Vice Chairman Tran Van Son who is a member of the Central Committee term XIII.

25 leadership positions are about to be completed

Head of the Central Organizing Committee Pham Minh Chinh.

Among the four Government members who are members of the Politburo, there are two Ministers, Mr. Tran Tuan Anh, Minister of Industry and Trade, who has been assigned to be Head of the Central Economic Commission (candidate for the National Assembly in the Party agency block).

In the National Assembly, 12 people did not participate in the 13th Central Committee including: National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, 4 National Assembly Vice Chairmen and Chairwoman of the Nationalities Council;

Personnel holding the above positions are expected to be consolidated at this meeting, except for two candidates to replace Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Do Ba Ty and Chairman of the National Defense and Security Committee Vo Trong Viet, due to the expected personnel.

New faces running for the National Assembly include Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Tran Thanh Man;

Some Committees have deputy personnel who are members of the 13th Central Committee, such as Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Science, Technology and Environment Le Quang Huy;

Particularly, Deputy Head of the National Assembly Office Tran Sy Thanh has been introduced to run for the State Audit sector.

The process of strengthening personnel at the meeting is expected to begin on March 30 and end on April 8.

Hoang Thuy

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