British doctor says Trump contracting Covid-19 is ‘inevitable’
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British doctor says Trump contracting Covid-19 is ‘inevitable’

`Medical experts looking at this case will all say that this is inevitable, when US President Donald Trump does not maintain social distancing and refuses to wear a mask at large gatherings.

Hilary Jones is a British general practitioner, presenter and author of many articles in medical publications.

Dr. Jones on Good Morning Britain on the morning of October 2.

`Who knows how many people have died from Covid-19 after attending Trump’s campaign events? The US is still the country with the highest death rate from Covid-19 in the world,` Jones said.

This doctor also criticized Trump and many world leaders for not wearing masks when appearing at crowded events and not setting an example for people in implementing disease prevention measures.

`We see many leaders not wearing masks, not maintaining distance, still shaking hands and doing the complete opposite of what their medical advisors suggest,` Dr. Jones commented.

Jones believes that President Trump is in a group of people vulnerable to Covid-19, because he is 74 years old and overweight, two factors that pose a significant risk.

According to medical guidance posted on the US CDC website, people infected with nCoV between the ages of 65-74 are 5 times more likely to be hospitalized than people 18-29 years old.

Dr. Barry Dixon, an intensive care specialist at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, said that the risk to Trump would be higher if he developed symptoms such as pneumonia.

President Trump today announced that he and his wife received positive test results for nCoV after close assistant Hope Hicks contracted the virus.

The White House doctor said that both the US President and his wife `are healthy` and they will quarantine at the White House, adding that Trump will continue to perform his duties during recovery.

Trump, 74, has no underlying health conditions but is mildly obese.

The US President often refuses to wear masks in public, even though he believes masks are effective in preventing Covid-19.

Trump at least 15 times claimed that Covid-19 would `miraculously disappear`, even joking about some treatments without scientific basis such as `injecting disinfectant` or `showing light`.

The information that Trump tested positive for nCoV was announced in the context of the race to the White House reaching a sprint stage.

Covid-19 has appeared in more than 210 countries and territories, causing more than 34.4 million infections and more than a million deaths.

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