5 decades of Joe Biden ‘dreaming’ of entering the White House
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5 decades of Joe Biden ‘dreaming’ of entering the White House

Joe Biden, full name Joseph Robinette Biden, was born on November 20, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and grew up in New Castle County, Delaware.

Biden received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware in 1965 and his law degree from Syracuse University, New York, in 1968. He married his first wife, Neilia Hunter, in 1966. The couple had three children.

Joe Biden spoke at a campaign rally in Wilmington, Delaware, September 2.

After graduating from law school, Biden returned to Delaware to practice law but quickly turned to politics, serving on the New Castle County Council from 1970 to 1972. He was elected to the US Senate in 1972, becoming

However, about a month after Biden was elected as a senator, his wife and newborn daughter were suddenly killed in a car accident, and his two sons were also seriously injured.

In 1977, he remarried Jill Jacobs, an educator.

As a senator, Biden focused on issues such as foreign relations, criminal justice and drug policy.

He is also a member of the International Drug Control Organization and a leading senator in the effort to propose the establishment of an office to oversee national drug control policies.

Biden’s first presidential campaign in 1988 got off to a promising start.

20 years after his first presidential campaign, Biden started again in 2008 with more experience and a stronger position.

After Obama collected enough delegates and successfully defended his position as the Democratic Party’s representative running for president, he chose Biden as his vice presidential candidate.

On November 4, Obama – Biden defeated John McCain and deputy general Sarah Palin in the presidential election.

In November 2012, Obama and Biden were re-elected for a second term, defeating two Republican candidates, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

As vice president, Biden plays an active role in the administration, is an influential advisor to President Obama and strongly supports the White House boss’s initiatives.

Besides, he was also assigned many important tasks.

In 2015, Biden’s eldest son Beau died of brain cancer.

The close relationship between Biden and Obama was clearly demonstrated when Obama surprised him by awarding Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 12, 2017, just a few days before both left office.

Since then, Biden has remained involved in political activities, being a harsh critic of President Donald Trump.

Biden has denied wrongdoing, insisting he `never intentionally disrespected any man or woman.`

As speculation about the possibility of him running for president in 2020 increased, Biden announced his candidacy last April and at the Democratic National Convention last month, he officially accepted the nomination.

5 decades of Joe Biden 'dreaming' of entering the White House

Joe Biden (left) and Kamala Harris in a debate at the University of Houston, Texas, last September.

While Covid-19 is causing turmoil in the United States, decisions to respond to the pandemic are expected to have a significant impact on the election prospects of presidential candidates.

Biden’s approach is to provide free nCoV testing and hire 100,000 people to set up a cross-country contact tracing program.

Biden said he wants to establish at least 10 testing centers in each state, call on federal agencies to deploy resources and provide more specific, solid epidemic prevention guidelines through expert consultation.

To address the immediate impacts of the Covid-19 crisis, Biden vowed to do everything he could to expand loans to small businesses and increase direct payments to households.

One of the notable proposals is to increase Social Security payments to people by $200 each month

Biden’s broader economic policies, known as the `Build Back Better` plan, aim to satisfy two traditionally Democratic constituencies: young people and white-collar workers.

He supports increasing the federal minimum wage to $15/hour.

Biden’s 2020 Action Plan calls for the federal government to invest $300 billion in developing American-made materials, services, research and technology.

Amid racial protests breaking out across the United States, Biden said he believes racism always exists within the country and it must be addressed through economic and social programs.

A pillar of his `rebuilding` program is establishing a business support mechanism for minority communities through a $30 billion investment fund.

Biden has said climate change is an existential threat.

Under this agreement, the US must cut greenhouse gas emissions by 28% by 2025, compared to 2005 levels. President Trump last year withdrew the US from the agreement.

On foreign affairs, Biden promised to repair America’s relationship with its allies, especially the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

5 decades of Joe Biden 'dreaming' of entering the White House

Joe Biden (right) and Obama in Washington D.C.

Biden once promised that if elected, in the first 100 days, he would reverse Trump’s policies such as separating migrant families at the US-Mexico border, canceling the limit on the number of asylum applications and ending the immigration order.

He also promised to protect `Dreamers,` people brought to the United States illegally as children and allowed to stay under Obama-era policies, and ensure their eligibility for federal student aid.

America’s current crisis with the specter of Covid-19 and the looming economic recession, obscuring all development prospects, is considered a challenge that no US president has ever faced in modern times.

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