‘Auld Lang Syne’, a nostalgic New Year’s Eve song
Like the song’s Scottish name, Auld Lang Syne is translated into English as `Old Long Since`.
Robert Burns is a great Scottish poet, known as `the great national poet`, `the peasant’s poet`, `the country’s favorite son`.
`Auld Lang Syne` is an immortal song for New Year’s Eve.
His name is not only limited to Scotland but also resonates around the world.
Robert Burns is also very famous for collecting folk songs throughout Scotland, editing or re-editing them accordingly.
Throughout his life, the humble Robert Burns never claimed to be the father of Auld Lang Syne, but scholars still affirm his undeniable great contribution in forming the song as it is known.
Auld Lang Syne quickly became widely popular and singing the song on New Year’s Eve became a tradition in Scotland.
With nostalgic lyrics, Auld Lang Syne is also used as a farewell at funerals, graduation ceremonies or in events marking the end.
New Year’s Eve scene in Times Square, New York City, USA.
On June 30, 1997, the Royal Hong Kong Police Force played this song on the day Governor Chris Patten left office, marking the event when Britain transferred sovereignty of Hong Kong to China.
Auld Lang Syne haunts the listener with rhetorical questions repeated over and over as an invitation to return old memories:
“… Should old acquaintances be forgotten,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintances be forgotten,
and auld lang syne?”
“… How can we forget our old friends?
And never remember anything again?
How could I forget those old friends?
And the good old days?”
The lyrics serve as a reminder to never forget the past and the people who have come into our lives.
New Year’s Eve is when people look back on the old year with its gains and losses, successes and mistakes, joys and sorrows.
“… For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne…”
“…For the old days, my friend
For those ancient days
Let’s raise a glass to good things
For the old days…”
Because of its rich reminiscence nature, Auld Lang Syne is also often used as a beautiful ending in cinema.
`Auld Lang Syne` evokes a lot of nostalgia for years gone by.
Audiences will also never forget the farewell waltz to Auld Lang Syne between Roy and Myra in Waterloo Bridge and their tearful love story.
Auld Lang Syne even became a topic of debate in the famous comedy When Harry Met Sally.
Auld Lang Syne is a song about friendship, about the people who have come and gone through our lives and left behind memories.
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* `Auld Lang Syne` – Waterloo Bridge soundtrack
* The moment of celebrating New Year’s Eve in Times Square
Mr. Tram