How we got back $600 scammed in Singapore
2 mins read

How we got back $600 scammed in Singapore

After reading the article `A Vietnamese tourist was tricked into buying a high-priced iPhone 6 in Singapore`, I have a few lines of experience to share with you when shopping here.

Last October, my friend had a similar situation to Mr. Thoai when shopping at Square OCG in Chinatown (Singapore).

CASE helped us negotiate with the shop owner.

Therefore, I advise you when traveling to Singapore and encountering problems of dissatisfaction, not understanding packages or misunderstandings due to language barriers, whether buying a phone or any other item… then

CASE is open from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Saturday. CASE staff always help you their best and they are very polite.

You can write it in English on paper to give to CASE staff to read.

(See more: Store takes revenge on iPhone 6 customers with 18 kg of coins)

You can rest assured that everything will not be long or complicated. In cases where you were scammed when you bought an iPhone, CASE will help you resolve it within a session to a day if it goes well.

Even when you return home, they still help and contact you via email.

If you encounter a situation like my friend and Mr. Thoai above, don’t use the words `fraud, denounce, extort money`.

When you present to CASE staff, be courteous and polite, suppress your anger because they are the ones listening and helping you.

When shopping at Squares, there are usually signs outside the Square’s doors or noticeboards warning of stores that have received many complaints from customers.

Especially when you encounter this situation, you should not go to the police.

>> See more: IPhone store owner who cheated Vietnamese customers has been punished


Fraud stories spread rapidly online

Taking advantage of the old man’s sympathy to steal a car, pretending to be a civil servant to swindle money…  are mischievous scams that trap many people.

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