‘Skyfall’ – the sky falls to death
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‘Skyfall’ – the sky falls to death

Appearing on the silver screen for the first time since 1962, agent 007 – James Bond has become a movie icon admired by millions of viewers.

* Images from the movie `Skyfall`

* Movie trailer `Skyfall`

In this episode, all top secret files on undercover agents that MI6 (British Intelligence Agency) installed around the world were released.

`Skyfall` is the last film in which Daniel Craig plays James Bond.

Like many previous 007 episodes, Skyfall opens with a breathtaking street chase action scene with eye-catching gunfights and duels.

James Bond movies always let the theme song appear in its entirety right after the first action scene and this time it’s Adele’s Skyfall.

‘Skyfall’ - the sky falls to death

Agent 007 still cannot live without beauties.

Skyfall was filmed in four locations – mysterious Istanbul (Türkiye), Shanghai (China) full of splendor at night, foggy London (UK) and immense Scotland.

Skyfall still builds on the traditional values inherent in James Bond, but has many major breakthroughs.

‘Skyfall’ - the sky falls to death

Javier Bardem is excellent as the villain Silva.

The highlight of Skyfall’s story focuses on the trio of James Bond, M. and Silva – the main villain of this part.

Skyfall brings together all the elements that make up the Bond brand, retaining the traditional things but adding an innovation.

There are quite a few scenes in the movie reminiscent of director Christopher Nolan’s Batman series as well as the Jason Bourne series.

‘Skyfall’ - the sky falls to death

`Skyfall` is an episode marking 50 years since James Bond first appeared on the silver screen.

Although there will be certain debates about the `quality` of James Bond in Skyfall, it is hard to deny that the 23rd episode is truly a revolution that brings agent 007 to a new level.

`Let the sky fall as everything sinks into chaos. I feel the Earth shaking under my feet. Don’t fall, but hold your head high, let’s play the last card game, in Skyfall.`

Skyfall opens in Vietnam from November 2.

* Listen to the soundtrack song: `Skyfall` – Adele

Nguyen Minh

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