Hydroelectric project worth more than VND 3,000 billion is unfinished
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Hydroelectric project worth more than VND 3,000 billion is unfinished

These days, Hoi Xuan hydropower site – located on the Ma river basin in Phu Xuan commune, Quan Hoa district, has no construction activities.

The investor and contractor only arrange a small number of employees to maintain the installed items and protect the assets.

Hydroelectric project worth more than 3,000 billion unfinished after a decade

Hoi Xuan Hydropower Plant is unfinished after more than 10 years of construction.

Started in March 2010, Hoi Xuan hydropower project has a total investment of more than 3,320 billion VND, capacity of 102 MW including three units with an average annual electricity output of more than 432 million kWh.

According to the plan, around October 2012, Hoi Xuan hydropower plant will block the flow for the first time, at the end of 2013 block the flow for the second time, and by mid-2014, it will store water in the reservoir and generate electricity in unit number one in September of the same year.

In 2014, the project was transferred to Dong Mekong Construction and Production Trading Services Company and was guaranteed a commercial loan of 125 million USD by the Government.

Hydroelectric project worth more than VND 3,000 billion is unfinished

Hoi Xuan hydropower plant has completed more than 90% of the construction volume but had to pause due to lack of capital.

Department of Industry and Trade of Thanh Hoa province informed that in the period 2016 to 2018, the Hoi Xuan hydropower project completed about 90% of the construction volume of main works, the area of ​​land recovered and site clearance was 88%;

In order for the project to come into operation, the investor needs to complete tasks such as: Compensation for site clearance, construction of a number of items and civil works, connection to the national power grid… However,

`The project is behind schedule and unfinished construction has seriously affected the lives of people in the project area. Creating hot spots, causing frustration, prolonged complaints and economic losses, wasting resources…

The lake bed area of ​​the Hoi Xuan hydropower project has more than 655 hectares of affected land, in two districts of Mai Chau (Hoa Binh) and Quan Hoa district (Thanh Hoa).

To date, nearly a hundred households have not received compensation or have no resettlement area to move to, making their lives precarious and temporary.

Hydroelectric project worth more than VND 3,000 billion is unfinished

The power grid has been basically installed but cannot be connected to the national power grid.

At the resettlement area of ​​Sa Lang village, Phu Xuan commune, many people are frustrated because the investor of Hoi Xuan hydropower plant has not fulfilled its commitment to build a cultural house, a road from the ferry wharf to the village, and a positive slope embankment to prevent landslides.

`We have repeatedly petitioned the authorities but up to now it has not been resolved,` said Mr. Cao Thanh Binh, Head of Sa Lang village.

Faced with the above situation, the People’s Committee of Thanh Hoa province has repeatedly proposed to ministries and branches to soon find solutions.

Hydroelectric project worth more than VND 3,000 billion is unfinished

Equipment and machinery are stacked in temporary warehouses near the factory, and weeds are overgrown.

The investor’s representative said that the competent authority recently agreed to allow the project to adjust the electricity price to 1,778.4 kWh (the price for the project to recover capital).

Currently, the investor is waiting for the bank to evaluate the loan application, which is expected to be disbursed by the end of 2021.

`The strong outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic caused many officials to temporarily quit their jobs and go to work elsewhere and have to be quarantined and unable to return; the process of importing supplies and equipment also encountered obstacles…`, Mr. Thai Van Chan,

Le Hoang

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