Radar and missile systems can take down F-35 stealth aircraft
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Radar and missile systems can take down F-35 stealth aircraft

The simple secret to shooting down the F-35 super stealth aircraft

Vostok-D radar is capable of accurately detecting stealth aircraft

The US has poured trillions of dollars into 5th generation fighter projects such as the F-22 and F-35 to ensure stealth against enemy weapons.

The 5th generation fighter has optimal stealth capabilities against short-wave radar, which is used for the guidance and fire control system of air defense missiles.

Mike Pietrucha, a former electronic warfare officer on US F-4G and F-15E fighters, said some types of long-wave radars are difficult to accurately identify targets within 3 km.

Signal processing technology has solved this problem since the 1970s. Frequency processing can `compress` radar pulses and increase accuracy.

Radar and missile systems can take down F-35 stealth aircraft

P-18 is one of the older radar types capable of detecting stealth fighters.

Phase array radar also helps eliminate the bulky antenna systems of older long-wave radars.

When using missiles with large warheads, radar guidance does not necessarily have to be very accurate.

With accuracy within 50-60 m, long-wave radar can guide missiles close enough to damage or even destroy the target.

The only way to counter the threat from long-wave radar is to destroy them with cruise missiles or anti-aircraft suppression aircraft (SEAD) before stealth fighters enter the fight, military expert Dave Majumdar said.

Radar and missile systems can take down F-35 stealth aircraft

The 9M96 series missiles are equipped with radar detectors that actively search for targets.

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