Houthis announced casualties after attacks by the US and UK
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Houthis announced casualties after attacks by the US and UK

`73 raids left 5 of our members dead and 6 injured,` Yahya Saree, spokesman for the Houthi forces, said on social network X today.

Houthi announced casualties after US and British forces on the same day launched a series of missiles to attack armed group positions in Yemen.

Houthi officials previously said the US and UK targeted Al-Dailami air base north of the capital Sanaa, the area around Hodeidah international airport in western Yemen, and the force’s base in the northern province.

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, described the US and UK raids as `brutal and terrorist`, showing that the US is `manipulating aggressive activities` in Gaza and Yemen.

US warships launched missiles during the Houthi raid campaign in Yemen on January 12.

France, Germany, and Denmark supported the moves of the US and UK, while China and Saudi Arabia called on all parties to exercise restraint and avoid escalating tensions.

Iran and Oman condemn the US and UK.

The attack on January 11 was considered the first time the US attacked the Houthi forces in Yemen since 2016. US President Joe Biden announced that he would not hesitate to deploy additional measures to protect lives and flows.

The US previously established an international alliance with more than 20 countries, including the UK, to participate in responding to Houthi raids on cargo ships in the Red Sea.

Houthis announced casualties after attacks by the US and UK

Location of Yemen and Red Sea coastal countries.

After the war between Israel and Hamas broke out in early October 2023, Houthi attacked and captured a number of ships linked to Israel in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait, and launched ballistic missiles and UAVs targeting

Increasing attacks on cargo ships have caused many shipping companies to stop sending ships on the route through the Red Sea, instead moving around South Africa’s Cape of Good Hope.

On January 10, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution condemning Houthi raids on ships passing through the Red Sea and demanding that they stop the above actions.

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